Expansion of Non-face-to-face Services · Delivery of Medications from Public Late-night Pharmacies, South Korea's Ruling Party's General Election Pledge

The South Korean Government is currently proposing several measures to address regional medical disparities and improve healthcare accessibility, particularly during nighttime and holidays. Here's a summary of the key points;

1. Amendments to Medical Laws

 There are proposed amendments to allow the delivery of pharmaceuticals from public late-night pharmacies for non-face-to-face consultations during evenings and holidays.

2. Establishment of Regional Medical Schools

 Plans include promoting the establishment of regional medical schools to address the demand and conditions of medically underserved areas. Additionally, there is an intention to enact a 'Special Law for Resolving Regional Medical Disparities' (지역 의료 격차 해소 특별법) to support this effort.

3. Improving Regional Medical Infrastructure

 Efforts are underway to enhance regional hub public hospitals with advanced systems and establish a cooperative network between regional national hospitals and public hospitals to strengthen healthcare standards.

4. Introducing Mobile Hospitals

 Mobile hospitals equipped with smart medical devices will be introduced to remote rural areas to improve accessibility to healthcare services.

5. Expanding Intelligent Emergency Medical System

 There are plans to expand intelligent emergency medical systems nationwide to prevent situations where patients cannot find emergency rooms and are transferred between several emergency rooms. Additionally, exemption regulations for ambulance personnel and emergency room medical staff will be institutionalized.


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